Massage Therapist Professional Organizations

One of the largest nonprofit associations is the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). It serves more than fifty-six thousand students in massage therapy schools and massage therapists. It has fifty-one chapters and is run by a staff of volunteers from the massage therapy profession. AMTA provides education on the benefits of massage and has a set of ethics and standards for the industry to follow.

At the organization provides a means to locate massage therapists nationwide. It also provides a broad liability insurance coverage for businesses. Members are informed with up-to-date information by the online magazine Massage Therapy Journal.

In 1987, the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) formed. It is a national association with close to seventy thousand members. It provides comprehensive liability insurance and business support for massage and bodywork professionals. It has an online professional journal known as Massage and Bodywork that keeps members up to date on the latest practices and trends in the industry. It provides customizable marketing materials to help advertise massage therapy and provides members with a web page to promote their personal business.

Hospital Based Massage Therapy Network is a new concept of connecting and promoting massage therapists who work in hospitals, nursing homes, and medical centers. Laura Koch is the founder. The organization’s focus is to integrate massage therapy into the present health care system. The site and members share information on how to set up a massage practice that tailors to health care system needs. Access to books, education programs, and other colleagues are provided to help in this endeavor. Information is at