Preparing the job search will not be difficult after cooking school if you have kept getting a job in mind through every step of the way, from choosing your school to applying for it, and from the courses you have taken to the internship(s) you have performed.
The key to preparing for your first post-graduation job is to highlight to potential employers what you have learned and who you know (and more to the point, who knows you and can vouch for your work ethic and skill).
In an age of Facebook and social networking , keeping track of your contacts has never been easier. You may also have taken advantage of the new technologies to document and record your experiences in cooking school and on the job, perhaps on a blog or in multi-media presentation. If you are careful to keep these websites tightly focused on your professional persona, they can be valuable advertisements as you make your way onto the job market. However, if you are using a website, blog, or Facebook page as a professional calling card, be sure that you have removed all potentially embarrassing personal details that you would not like an employer to see.
Preparing for the Job Search
The most important part of your application for a job will be your resume. Devote the time and attention needed to creating the perfect resume. Show it to your advisor, your mentor if you have one – to any professional you know who might be willing to critique it. Be sure it is completely free of typos or grammatical errors. Stay away from flashy colors or outrageous typefaces.
Do write a cover letter that is unique to each job for which you are applying. You can borrow some of the language from letters for similar positions, but your letter should demonstrate that you know something unique and distinctive about your potential employer. Explain what you can add to the staff, how you would make a fantastic addition to the team, and why you want to work for that organization or person.
And one more thing: be prepared to be patient. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have something lined up the day you leave school. Just keep selling and believing in yourself.