Since the money you receive doesn’t need to be repaid, applying for scholarships should be a top priority as you’re coming up with ways to finance your beauty school education. Graduating with a minimal amount of student loan debt will make it much easier to get your finances in order as you begin your new career.
Cosmetology scholarships can come from several different sources. You may apply for scholarships offered by the beauty school you wish to attend or the high school you graduated from. Many salons and professional cosmetology associations also offer scholarships to students who want to enter beauty school. General scholarships that require no specific career focus can often be used to pay for cosmetology school, although you should read the program’s rules carefully if you are enrolled in a beauty school that offers a certificate instead of an associate degree.
Scholarships can range from $100 to several thousand dollars. Many students apply only for the largest scholarships, however. While this approach seems reasonable at first glance, remember that the applicant pool for the smaller scholarships is likely to be less competitive. You may be able to win several smaller scholarships with no more effort than it would take to win one large award.
How Are Scholarships Awarded?
Scholarships generally consider academic merit as one of the basic factors for evaluating applicants. For recent graduates, this means your GPA from high school. For current cosmetology students, this refers only to your beauty school coursework.
Beyond academic merit, financial need is the most common consideration. Financial need is typically measured by your Expected Family Combination (EFC) from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). However, some programs will allow you to submit additional documentation if you believe the FAFSA doesn’t accurately portray your financial situation.
Other factors that may be used to award scholarships include your professional goals, obstacles you’ve overcome, special talents, potential for success in cosmetology, or demographic factors such as the high school you attended.
Scholarship Application Tips
When applying for beauty school scholarships, remember the following helpful tips:
- Pay attention to deadlines. You don’t want to miss out on a chance to receive a scholarship because you didn’t submit your application in time.
- Keep copies of everything you submit. Essays and recommendation letters can often be used for multiple scholarship applications with only minimal changes.
- Make sure your application showcases your personality. If the scholarship requires an essay, choose a topic that helps demonstrate your unique qualifications for the cosmetology profession. If you have the opportunity for a personal interview, be prepared with anecdotes that will help you stand out from the crowd.
- Ask a friend, family member, or teacher to proofread your application. Misspelled words, grammatical errors, or missing information will eliminate you as a scholarship candidate even if you meet all of the program’s criteria.